Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Sonlight College Conference

Wow – what a joy to be with 55 college men at the IV Sonlight conference in Orlando. We discussed “Fighting for Your Heart” and helped these young men understand the challenges that lay ahead for them. It was so encouraging to see guys who were serious about being the men God is calling them to be. Spend a few minutes with guys like this and you will be excited about what God is going to do in the years to come.



Monday, October 11, 2004

Ministry in Iraq

We had a great report come in from Steve T. in Texas...
It was great talking to you. As I said, I have just ordered another case of the Man In The Mirror books. Most if not all of this case will be sent to Iraq. We have a member of our congregation who leads a church service. These services have been going on since the first of the year and they are having about 470 men and women from all the military services attend on a regular basis.
The praise report is that 2 Sundays ago, they had 20 men give their lives to Christ for the first time. There are many small groups that meet from these services that do studies using the Man In The Mirror book. Many of the men are now understanding how they should be walking and are having their lives changed.
Many thanks to Pat, yourself and all of your staff for doing what God has called you to do. Each of you will only know how many souls you touch for the Kingdom once you get to heaven. Again, thank you, God Bless.

What a great testimony to God's power and grace...

Ministry in Jacksonville

I had a great time this last weekend with the men of Westside Baptist Church in Jacksonville. They are a great group of men and God is working in their midst. The Success That Matters Seminar was a blast – so many encouraging testimonies of how God has changed lives.


Thanks to Doug, Matt, and the whole team!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Leaders Making Things Happen

I recently had the pleasure of talking with several leaders who are influencing men and families for Christ.

Glen Dry is an outstanding young leader with a vision for men in Victoria, Texas. Having been mentored by other leaders, Glen knows the impact it can have in men's lives. If you are in his area, check out M2M.

Mark Merrill and Bryan Davis are helping dads through Family First and All-Pro Dads. Their All-Pro Dad's and Kid's days are conducted in conjunction with teams from the NFL. These outstanding seminars are encouraging for dads and their children. If one is in your area, it's a great opportunity to reach out to other men.

Yours for reaching men,


Saturday, October 02, 2004

Men's Ministry

It's true that men's ministry is hard work. But it can also be incredibly rewarding. I'm fortunate as President of Man in the Mirror to be able to see so many amazing things God is doing in the lives of men. I look forward to sharing them with you here.

David Delk
President, Man in the Mirror

Want to know more about mens ministry?